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Boosting Executive Functioning in Dyslexic Children

Written by The Prentice Team | Mar 15, 2023 8:45:32 PM

Dyslexia, a language-based learning disorder, can have a significant impact on a child's academic and personal life. One crucial area that dyslexia can affect is executive functioning skills. These skills encompass a set of cognitive abilities that are essential for planning, organizing, prioritizing, and effectively managing time. Unfortunately, dyslexic children may struggle with these skills, which can affect their ability to succeed not only in school but also in various other aspects of their lives.

Here are some effective strategies for developing key executive functioning skills in dyslexic children:

Use Visual Aids

Visual aids can be helpful for dyslexic children who struggle with planning and organization. Encourage your child to use visual aids such as calendars, planners, and checklists to keep track of assignments, activities, and deadlines. These tools can help your child stay organized and manage their time more effectively.

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

Dyslexic children may become overwhelmed by large tasks. Breaking tasks into smaller steps can help them feel more manageable. Teach your child to break down assignments into smaller steps and tackle each step one at a time.

Create Routines

Dyslexic children can benefit from routines and structure. Establishing a consistent routine can help your child manage their time more effectively and reduce stress. Encourage your child to follow a consistent routine for homework, chores, and other activities.

Use Technology

Technology can be a helpful tool for dyslexic children. There are many apps and programs that can help with executive functioning skills, such as time management, organization, and note-taking. Explore different options and find what works best for your child.

Model Executive Functioning Skills

Parents and caregivers can model executive functioning skills for their children. Talk through your own planning and organization strategies and encourage your child to do the same. This can help your child learn effective strategies and develop important skills.

Developing executive functioning skills takes time and practice, but it can make a big difference in your child's academic and personal success. Remember to be patient, supportive, and celebrate progress along the way.